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2024 Legislative Session

Remuneration-Exempt Identifying Placards

Sens. Kolker & Smallwood | Reps. Vigil & Soper

Introduces placards that identify vehicles used for non-remunerative services, facilitating recognition and support for volunteers and others providing essential community services without compensation.

Increase Access to School-Based Health Care

Sens. Kolker & Marchman | Reps. García & Lindsay

​For purposes of the school-based health center grant program (grant program), the bill expands the definition of a school-based health center and the purposes of the grant program to authorize grants for evidence-informed, school-linked health-care services. Services may include primary health-care, behavioral health-care, oral health-care, and preventive health-care services.

Clarify Individualized Education Program Info (I.E.P’s)

Sens. Kolker & Kirkmeyer | Reps. García & Young

Establishes clear training for individualized education programs and procedures for special education advocates and parents; and makes certain training program information publicly available on its website, in plain and easy-to-understand language.

Senior Primary Residence Property Tax Reduction

Sens. Kolker & Hansen | Reps. Lieder & Young

Reduces property tax assessments for seniors, helping older homeowners manage their expenses more effectively.

Nonprofit Member Data Privacy & Public Agencies

Sens. Kolker & Pelton B. | Reps. deGruy Kennedy & Frizell

Protects the privacy of individuals associated with nonprofits by restricting public agencies from collecting or disclosing identifiable data about these individuals.

Prohibiting Firearms in Sensitive Spaces

Sens. Kolker & Jaquez Lewis | Reps. Brown & Lindsay

Prohibits carrying firearms in designated sensitive areas, such as government buildings, courthouses, polling places, pre-schools, and institutions of higher education, aligning state regulations with longstanding federal guidelines to enhance public safety.

Tax Credit for Qualified Renters​​

Sens. Kolker & Hansen | Rep. Garcia

Concerning the creation of an income tax credit to provide temporary tax relief for income-qualified renters of a primary residence in the state.

Defined Personnel for Emergency Telephone Services

Reps. Lieder & Armagost | Sens. Kolker & Van Winkle

Defines "emergency communications specialist" and clarifies the use of funds for training and services provided by emergency personnel, enhancing emergency response capabilities.

Adjusting Certain Tax Expenditures

Reps. Weissman & Frizell | Sens. Kolker & Hansen

Adjusts certain tax rules to ensure fairness and efficiency in our tax system, helping to balance the budget and fund essential public services.

Fire & Police Pension Law Technical Corrections​​

Rep. Snyder and Haggart | Sen. Kolker

Makes necessary technical corrections to the laws governing fire and police pensions, ensuring clarity and up-to-date provisions for pension management.

Child Welfare System Tools​​​

Reps. Duran & Evans | Sens. Kolker & Kirkmeyer

Enhances tools and resources for the child welfare system in Colorado to improve the care and protection of vulnerable children in our state.

Senior Housing Income Tax Credit

Reps. Weissman & Marshall | Sens. Kolker & Hansen

Reinstates a tax credit to help income-qualified seniors afford housing, making it easier for our elderly population to live comfortably and securely.

Issuance of Treasurers Deeds

Reps. Frizell & Marshall | Sens. Kolker & Hansen

Updates the process for handling property tax liens, making it more efficient and aligned with recent legal standards, ensuring property owners and local governments are treated fairly.

Addressing Abbreviated School Days

Reps. Young & Garcia | Sens. Kolker & Kirkmeyer

Addresses the challenges faced by children with disabilities due to abbreviated school days, ensuring they receive the same educational opportunities as other students.

Repeal & Reenact Earned Income Tax Credit Increase

Reps. Willford & Young | Sens. Kolker & Fields

Continues the increased earned income tax credit from a previous year, helping to reduce the tax burden on low- and moderate-income families and support economic stability.

School Psychologist Licensure Interstate Compact

Reps. Young & Lukens | Sens. Kolker & Marchman

Establishes a compact allowing school psychologists licensed in one state to practice in others within the compact, improving access to mental health professionals in schools.

Employee-Owned Business Office & Income Tax Credit

Reps. Lindstedt & Vigil | Sens. Kolker & Bridges

Encouraging employee-owned businesses in Colorado by providing support for those transitioning to employee ownership. It includes financial incentives and practical assistance during the early stages of this transition.

Modification of Recording Fees

Reps. Frizell & Mauro | Sens. Kolker & Pelton

Modifies the fees collected by county clerks for recording documents, making the process more consistent across the state. It also extends the operation of the electronic recording technology board, ensuring continued improvements in recording services.

Voluntary Payroll Deductions for State Employees

Rep. Clifford | Sens. Kolker & Smallwood

Allows state employees more options for voluntary payroll deductions, enhancing their ability to manage personal finances through convenient pre-tax contributions to approved programs.

Relocate Title 24 CLIMBER Act

Rep.  Ricks | Sens. Kolker & Coleman

Relocates the CLIMBER Act from the Department of the Treasury to the Office of Economic Development, aiming to better support small and mid-sized businesses in accessing capital and resources.

2023 Legislative Session

Out-of-state Online Retail Vehicle Purchases

Sens. Kolker & Simpson, Representative Boesenecker

Concerning consumer protection for Coloradans purchasing vehicles from out-of-state online retailers. 

Additional information on this bill can be found here

Continue School Access For Emergency Response Grant Program

Sens. Kolker & Van Winkle, Reps. Michaelson Janet & Catlin

Concerning continuation of the school access for emergency response grant program. Additional information on this bill can be found here

Compensatory Direct Distribution To PERA

Senator Kolker, Representative Bird

Concerning a requirement that the state make a direct distribution to the public employees' retirement association in addition to a previous additional direct distribution to fully recompense the association for the cancellation of the July 1, 2020, direct distribution.

Additional information on this bill can be found here

Mandatory School Resource Officer Training

Senator Kolker 

Concerning school resource officer training. Additional information on this bill can be found her

Access To Behavioral Health Services

Sens. Kolker & Gardner

Concerning access to behavioral health services for certain medicaid recipients who experience risk factors that influence health. Additional information on this bill can be found here

Gun Violence Victims' Access to Judicial System

Sens. Jaquez-Lewis & Kolker and Reps. Mabrey & Parenti

The bill repeals limitations on product liability actions against manufacturers of firearms and ammunition when there was a defect in the design or manufacture of a firearm or ammunition.

Read more here.

Access to Certain Behavioral Health Services

Sens. Kolker & Gardner

Requirements to provided certain services to Medicaid recipients under the age of 21. Additional information on this bill can be found here

Temp Tax Credit For Public Service Retirees

Reps. Bird & Sirota

Concerning the creation of an income tax credit for qualifying retirees of Colorado public pensions.. Additional information on this bill can be found here


Reps. Yulken & Young

Creates the "Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact," which is designed to make it easier for teachers from member states, especially active military members and eligible military spouses, to receive a teacher's license from other member states. Additional information on this bill can be found here


Reps. Evans & Bird

Authorizes the board of the fire and police pension association to provide non-compounding cost of living adjustments. Additional information can be found here


Rep. Bird

Increases the earned income tax credit that a resident individual can claim on their state income tax return from 25% to 38% of the federal credit claimed on the resident individual's federal income tax return. More information here


Rep. Michaelson Jenet

Prohibits requiring a person to try more than one prescription drug prior to receiving coverage for the drug prescribed by the person's health-care provider. More information here


Reps. Taggart & Young

Allows counties or municipalities to modernize the Public Airport Authority Act. More information here


Reps. Hamrick & Lieder

Creates a navigator program to promote apprenticeships to high school students. More information here


Reps. Young & Amabile

Charges the Behavioral Health Administration with overseeing the behavioral healthcare system in Colorado. More information here


Reps. Marshall & Taggart

Changes how pass-through entities may elect to pay taxes, specifies how to report and account for adjustments to federal taxable income, and changes the due date for filing a C-corporation income tax return. More information here

2022 Legislative Session

Sales Tax Assistance For Small Businesses

Senators Kolker & Rodriguez, Representatives McLachlan & Snyder

Retailers with total taxable sales in the amount of $100,000 or less, for sales made in 2023, may retain 5.3 percent of the sales tax reported as compensation for the retailer's expenses incurred in collecting and remitting the tax (vendor fee). 

Additional information on this bill can be found here

Business Filing Address And Name Fraud

Senators Kolker & Priola, Representative Bird

The bill creates a remediation process for a person whose business identity or personal identifying information has been used in the filing of documents with the Secretary of State without authority or for fraudulent activity.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Provider Tool To View All-Payer Claims 

Senators Rodriguez & Kolker, Representatives Lontine & Woog

The bill requires the All-Payer Claims Database administrator to implement a tool to facilitate the review of certain health claims reimbursement data that are included in the database.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Dementia Training Requirements For Direct-Care Staff Of Specified Facilities

Senators Kolker & Ginal, Representative Young

The bill requires the Department of Public Health and Environment, with regard to nursing care facilities and assisted living residences, and the medical services board in the department of Health Care Policy and Financing, with regard to adult day care facilities, to adopt rules requiring these facilities to provide dementia training for staff providing direct-care services to clients and residents of the facilities.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Conflict Of Interest In Public Behavioral Health

Senators Kolker & Sonnenberg, Representatives Michaelson Jenet & Rich

This bill requires the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) to require managed care entities, administrative service organizations, and managed service organizations that have 25 percent or more ownership by providers of behavioral health services to comply with specified conflict of interest policies to promote transparency and accountability.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

SALT Parity Act

Senators Kolker & Woodward, Representatives Ortiz & Van Winkle

The bill allows pass-through businesses to elect to retroactively pay their state income tax at the entity level, rather than the individual level, beginning in tax year 2018.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Behavioral Health Care Services For Children

Senators Kolker & Sonnenberg, Representatives Young & Pelton

The bill creates in the university of Colorado the Colorado pediatric psychiatry consultation and access program (CoPPCAP). The purpose of CoPPCAP is to support primary care providers in identifying and treating mild to moderate behavioral health conditions in children in primary care practices or school-based health centers.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Reduce Fees For Business Filings

Representatives Cutter & Sullivan, Senators Kolker & Petersen

The bill requires the reduction of new business registrations and annual business renewals fees for small businesses.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Driver License Fee Reduction

Representatives Ortiz & Young, Senators Kolker & Fields

The bill requires the state treasurer to transfer $3,900,000 from the general fund to the licensing services cash fund in order to avoid an increase in the driver license fee.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Increase Alcohol Beverage Excise Tax Exemption

Representatives Bird & Woog, Senators Kolker & Liston

The bill expands the current excise tax exemption for alcohol brought by an individual twenty one years of age or older into the state from another state or a foreign country.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Farm Close-out Exemption Exclude Motor Vehicles

Representative Benavidez, Senator Kolker 

The bill excludes sales of vehicles subject to state registration requirements from the farm close-out sale tax exemption.

A farm close-out sale, which is a farmer's or rancher's sale by auction or private treaty of all tangible personal property used in carrying on the farming or ranching operations, is exempt from the sales and use tax. 

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Sales & Use Tax Exemption For Public Schools Construction

Representatives Bird, Woog, Duran, Gray, Jodeh, Kipp, McCluskie, Mullica, Van Winkle, Senators Kolker, Hansen, Liston

Under current law, all sales of construction and building materials to contractors and subcontractors for use in the building, erection, alteration, or repair of structures, highways, roads, streets, and other public works are exempt from the sales and use tax levied by the state and certain local governments. Home rule cities continue to levy the tax on sales of construction and building materials within their jurisdiction. The bill extends the exemption to the sales and use tax levied by home rule cities on such materials for use in connection with the building, erection, alteration, or repair of a public school.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Repeal Of Infrequently Used Tax Expenditures

Representative Benavidez, Senator Kolker

The bill eliminates several tax expenditures from the state’s insurance premium tax, income tax, sales and use tax, and liquor excise tax.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Compensatory Direct Distribution To PERA

Representatives Bird & Sandridge, Senators Kolker & Priola

The bill restores a suspended direct distribution payment of $225.0 million to the Public Employees' Retirement Association that was not made on July 1, 2020, due to pandemic-related budget cuts, plus an estimate of missed investment gains that would have accrued over two years.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

On-demand Air Carrier Aircraft Sales Tax Exemption

Representatives Woog & Bird, Senators Kolker & Liston

For 7 years beginning on January 1, 2023, the bill creates a sales and use tax exemption for the sale, storage, use, or consumption of an aircraft used or purchased for use in interstate or intrastate commerce by an on-demand air carrier.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Behavioral Health Crisis Response System

Representatives Young & Pelton, Senator Kolker

The bill requires crisis system facilities and programs, including crisis walk-in centers and mobile crisis programs, to meet minimum standards to provide mental health and substance use disorder services. The bill clarifies that crisis system facilities and programs shall provide behavioral health services to individuals of any age experiencing a substance use disorder crisis.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

School Security and School Behavioral Health Services Funding

Representatives Exum & Van Winkle, Senator Kolker

The bill creates a cash fund and appropriates money to three programs related to school safety and behavioral mental health.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Honoring Gold Star Families

Representatives Bernett & Geitner, Senators Kolker & Lundeen

Resolution to honor the pride and the pain of the parents, partners, children and siblings of our fallen heroes and recognize the families of these proud patriots with an expression of profound gratitude and respect.

Additional information on this act can be found here.

2021 Legislative Session

First Responder Interactions Persons With Disabilities

Representatives Froelich & Larson, Senator Kolker

This bill seeks to improve first responder interactions with people with disabilities. To do this, the legislation would create a task force to identify training and curriculum models that are effective in teaching first responders how to better communicate and understand these populations. This task force will then submit a report and generate new curriculum to be used statewide, ensuring the protection of both vulnerable communities and peace officers.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Expand Transition Specialist Program

Representatives Bradfield & Michaelson Jenet, Senators Kolker & Gardner

The bill expands the community transition specialist program (program) by redefining "high-risk individual" to allow more individuals to access program services. The bill also expands facilities that can access program services.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Division of Domestic Stock Insurer

Representatives Snyder & Van Winkle, Senator Kolker

Concerning the division of a domestic stock insurer into multiple resulting domestic stock insurers, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Historically Underutilized Businesses Local Government Procurement

Representatives Bacon & Ricks, Senator Kolker

Concerning historically underutilized businesses in local government procurement.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Consumer Protection Supplemental Restraint Systems

Representative Gray, Senators Kolker & Priola

The bill makes it a deceptive trade practice for a person to knowingly or intentionally manufacture, import, distribute, sell, offer for sale, install, or reinstall a device intended to replace a supplemental restraint system component if the device is:


  • A counterfeit supplemental restraint system component;

  • A nonfunctional airbag; or

  • Any object in lieu of a supplemental restraint system component that was not designed in accordance with federal safety regulations for the make, model, and year of the vehicle in which it is or will be installed.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Health-care Billing Requirements For Indigent Patients

Representative Jodeh, Senators Buckner & Kolker

Concerning health-care billing requirements for indigent patients receiving services not reimbursed through the Colorado indigent care program, and, in connection therewith, establishing procedures before initiating collections proceedings against a patient.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Funds Workforce Development Increase Worker Skills

Representatives Sullivan & Young, Senators Kolker & Hisey

Concerning the allocation of state money for workforce development activities to increase the skills of Colorado workers, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Colorado Department Of Education Report Concerning School Psychologists

Representative Cutter, Senator Kolker

The bill requires the department of education to prepare an annual report on the number of pupils enrolled in public schools in the state, and the total number of licensed school psychologists in the state and employed by a school district, a board of cooperative services, or the state charter school institute who are reported as full-time equivalent employees. The report must state the number of pupils and licensed and employed school psychologists in total for the state and disaggregated by school district, board of cooperative services, and the state charter school institute.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Authorize Notices Of Valuation On Postcard

Representatives Tipper & Rich, Senators Kolker & Simpson

The bill allows assessors to mail abbreviated notices of valuation on a postcard for property tax purposes. The bill specifies the minimum information that must be included on the postcard.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Measures To Prevent The Misuse Of Safe2Tell

Representative Michaelson Jenet, Senator Kolker

The bill allows the attorney general to disclose to law enforcement personnel any materials or information obtained through the implementation or operation of the safe2tell program (program) if the attorney general reasonably deems such disclosure necessary for the prevention of imminent physical harm or serious bodily injury to one or more persons.


The bill permits a court to issue a search warrant court order for production of records upon the request of a law enforcement agency, public safety agency, or district attorney, under seal, for program materials identifying a reporting party if the court, following an in camera review, determines probable cause exists that a reporting party to the program knowingly used the program in the commission of false reporting of an emergency and release of program materials is justified on balance in view of the probable violation and the program purpose of anonymity . The court may lift the sealing only on a motion of a district attorney upon showing of good cause following an in camera review of the information. If changes are filed against a person that rely on the information provided pursuant to the court order, the sealing order automatically expires and the information is subject to discovery obligations.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Sunset Surgical Assistants And Surgical Technologists

Representatives Jodeh & Soper, Senators Kolker & Simpson

Concerning the continuation of the regulation of persons who assist surgeons, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations contained in the 2020 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Sunset Workers' Compensation Classification Appeals Board

Representative Bird, Senators Kolker & Priola

Concerning the continuation of the workers' compensation classification appeals board, and, in connection therewith, implementing recommendations contained in the 2020 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Modification To Administration Of The Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund

Representative Lontine, Senator Kolker

Concerning modifications to the administration of the nursing home penalty cash fund, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing appropriations.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

Statewide Internet Portal Authority Competitive Solicitation Method

Representatives Bernett & Baisley, Senators Kolker & Priola

The responsibilities of the statewide internet portal authority (SIPA) include developing the officially recognized statewide internet portal, entering into a contract with a statewide internet portal integrator for the development, support, maintenance, and enhancement of the equipment and systems used for the statewide internet portal, and providing appropriate administration and oversight of the statewide internet portal integrator. Current law specifies that SIPA may not enter into a contract with a statewide portal integrator unless the statewide portal integrator was chosen by the authority pursuant to a request for proposals.

The bill retains the requirement for a competitive solicitation for the contract with the statewide portal integrator, but authorizes competitive solicitation methods other than a request for proposals, including the invitation to negotiate.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network

Representatives Cutter & Soper, Senators Kolker & Simpson

Concerning the implementation of the 988 national suicide prevention lifeline network in Colorado.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

2-1-1 Statewide Human Services Referral System

Representatives Amabile & Van Beber, Senators Kolker & Zenzinger

The bill expands the necessary human referral services authorized by the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative (collaborative) to include necessary referrals for behavioral health services and other resources in the state for Coloradans, particularly for individuals who are unemployed, regardless of whether they receive benefits.


The bill requires the department of human services' office of behavioral health to contract with the collaborative to hire and train specialized personnel. The bill also requires the office of behavioral health to collaborate with the collaborative to engage in targeted marketing and outreach, and to ensure the marketing and outreach are targeted to traditionally underserved communities, such as immigrant, low-income, and communities of color.


The bill also requires the collaborative to coordinate with the department of labor and employment (department) to target, conduct outreach, and market to individuals who are unemployed, regardless of whether they receive benefits, and may need referrals for behavioral health services and other resources.

Additional information on this bill can be found here.

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